Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Facebook: The beginning of a beautiful love/hate friendship

I caved and joined facebook. Sparky has been telling me to join for a long time. Apparently my friends were finding him and asking where I was. I've been dragging my feet with it just like I did with this blog - hey, I am a busy girl, and I don't have time for computer fun! Plus, I'm weak. I knew once I started I'd get addicted.

Case in point: Last night I signed up and it was so fun finding and talking to people that I haven't been in touch with in years, many since high school. Then I looked at the clock - cub scouts had ended five minutes ago. Yikes! So that's what facebook gets you, a good dose of neglecting your children. I felt so bad. I was always the last one picked up as a kid. The office ladies at my elementary school got to the point that they didn't bother asking if my mom was coming; they knew she'd be there eventually. I was so embarrassed by this as a kid, so now I totally overcompensate and make every effort to be there on time to pick up my kids. Except, apparently when someone has asked my to be their friend on facebook or has written on my wall. Luckily I called Sparky, and he happened to be at the same building for a meeting, so he went and grabbed him for me. At first I was grateful, but then I realized that this is all his fault anyway for having me sign up and getting me hooked.


Jen Bay said...

I know exactly what you mean, wanna be my friend?

Fireball said...

Hey - I tried to find you, but there are too many Jens! Search for me and send a friend request.

And I'm glad I'm not alone in my addictions!