Friday, October 10, 2008

I'm Getting Old

Sparky is always claiming that he's getting old. I used to have little patience for this and would tell him he's fine, suck it up, only in a much nicer and more acceptable, loving way. But now I'm starting to think that maybe he was on to something and I was just two years behind on the enlightenment since I'm two years younger.

Case in point #1:
I am forgetting everything. People's names. Things I'm supposed to be doing. Semi major events that happened to me years ago. I used to brag that I had a great memory, now I am batting under the league average.

Case in point #2:
Last night I was playing volleyball (I know, another volleyball story, sorry), and I pulled a muscle in my shoulder during my first hit of the game. I tried to keep playing, but I was worthless. I went home early, popped a couple of Advil, and iced it. I thought of my father-in-law, who takes ibuprofen like they're candy - before, during, and after basketball and surfing which is almost every day for him - and realized that I am teetering at the top of a very slippery slope.

I am getting old. I am making the transition to liking classical music more than rock. I care about current events and listen to NPR. I like to go to bed at a reasonable hour, and I tell the kids to turn the TV down. I swear, next come dentures and a walker.

1 comment:

Lilly said...

You crack me up! Hope your shoulder is feeling better.