Monday, February 8, 2010

Desperate times call for desperate measures

I love playing with my kids. I'm not just saying that - I really do! But in the last few months, Thing 3 has turned into a game junkie. Board games, cards games, whatever. He is constantly trying to get his fix, and he'll play with anyone - he's not picky. He's a good sport, win or lose, although more often than not he wins. He's great at Yahtzee, and he smoked everyone the last time we played Monopoly (with him exclaiming "I love money!" and "I love this game!" the whole time). I play games with him every day, but it never seems to be enough to satisfy him. Unfortunately, I can't play Uno and go fish every waking minute, so in desperation, I taught my four year old how to play 4 card solitare. What does this say about me as a mother?


Bryan said...

That picture is outstanding.

Eileen said...

I've played against him and he's brutal! I wasn't following the rules of a game he was trying to teach me and he literally hit himself on the forehead like HOW ARE YOU NOT GETTING THIS?! I think Solitaire is a great idea.

Emma Jo said...

That you are smart.
What a cutie.

Unknown said...

I would have done the same thing and sooner. HEHEHEHE

Jen Bay said...

It says you are practical. I'll bet he still prefers to play a game with someone.... when he can...

Shirley said...

send him over to play Killer Bunnies with us!

~T~ said...

Better than video games!

Unknown said...

He needs to come visit Ian and they can play to their hearts content. Ian is always asking to play games. I'm not quite as nice as you though and don't play as often as I should :)