Friday, January 2, 2009

Playing Basketball With Boys

We're back from our vacation in paradise, also known as San Diego. We had a blast and ate way too much good food. We thumbed our noses at the weather: our flight to SD beat out the huge snowstorm that hit Seattle by a mere hour, and on the way back, we changed flights and ended up being on one of the last flights out of SD for a day due to fog.

Sparky and I have spent the last couple of days recovering from exhaustion. We always play hard when we go down there, but this time we outdid ourselves and got up to play basketball at 5:30 in the morning four times. Not just one time. Four times. That was how we chose to spend our vacation. I guess you could say we aren't very smart people.

It was a lot of fun, though. We played with Sparky's dad, brother-in-law, brother, sister-in-law, and cousin, along with close friends. Thanks to Lady Chinchilla X for going easy on me out there. That girl can run circles around me. No thanks to the three guys that totally mauled me one of the few times I attempted to drive to the basket. You know who you are! I ended up with a lightly sprained ankle and some very colorful bruises. I meant to take a picture since they were were way more blog worthy than my last one, but I waited too long and now they're fading and not as impressive. Thank my procrastination skills; you've been spared.

Anyway, I guess that's what I get for playing basketball with boys. It's a lot different than what I was taught in my youth. When I was about 15, my friend and I were in the gym at the church shooting baskets with a bunch of guys from our ward. I'm pretty sure we were ditching making some craft with our young women's group, because we always tried to ditch the crafts. Our leader came in and found us and scolded us. "Don't you know what happens when you play basketball with boys?" Me being the smart alec 15 year old that I was, said, "No, what happens?" She paused for a few seconds and then blurted out, "You get pregnant!" There it is folks. Forget everything they taught you in 8th grade sex ed. My friends and I got a lot of laughs out of that one, let me tell you.


Eileen said...

I think pregnancy would have to be some sort of foul, don't you think?

Glad you guys are back!

Emma Jo said...

That is one of the funniest things ever. Who knew you could get pregnant playing bball?
Your vacation sounds fun...good weather and missing rotten weather...but not the waking up at 5:30 part.

The Flowers Bunch said...

Wow, who knew? Of course Doug and I don't even play basketball which leaves me wonder where all these kids came from. There must have been a horrible shopping cart mixup some where along the line. Glad you made it home safely.