Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Last weekend Sparky and I finally watched the movie Juno, and I loved it. It's been a long time since I saw a movie for the first time and liked it this much. It was both side-splitting funny and moving.

I have had the song that they sing at the end of the movie in my head ever since, and apparently I've even been singing it out loud, because yesterday I walked by Thing 2 and heard him singing to himself, "We sure are cute for two ugly people."

Here is a clip of the song. I swear, I want to give Michael Cera a big hug and bake him some cookies or something.


Suzanne said...

Yay! Thanks for the clip, I loved it too. I was singing this for days after I saw it. Great Movie!

Durben Family said...

I loved that movie! I recently saw 'Slumdog Millionaire'... it was pretty great too (but not in a funny way). In a 'Life Is Beautiful' way....

Diana said...

Thanks for posting this. We LOVED this movie as well. It'd be fun to watch again.

Thanks for getting the signs put up for me. The show we saw was great! I'll tell you about it later...

Emma Jo said...

I loved that song too. I enjoyed the movie though I am only slightly disturbed that it made me want to be a cute, petite, pregnant teenager that knew Jennifer Garner.

cdr said...

I liked the movie on one hand, but on the other 2 things bugged me about it:

1) Teenage kids don't talk like that.

2) It somehow makes teenage pregnancy seem like it's not that big of a deal.

At least those are two things I took away from it. But aside from that, it was well done and very witty and fun.

ME said...

I liked the movie too. I dont know who 'CDR' is but yes- teenagers DO talk like that. Im in young womens and have 2 teenage siblings. They can be brass and tacky and curse and then turn around and say something poingiant and meaningful. I like that song I want a Juno 2. I dont think its gonna happen though!