Monday, November 10, 2008

Belated Thing 2 birthday pics, AKA how in the world did I pull this thing off?

A few weeks ago we had Thing 2's birthday party. The guest list kept getting longer and longer as we got closer to the party, but I thought, no big deal. Not everyone will come. Oh, Fireball. So naive. Everyone came but one. We had 16 kids at our house. My friends all told me I was insane, and in the back of my mind I agreed with them. Here is a picture of the whole crew: a pilot, a wizard, Cleopatra, a ghost who didn't want to wear his costume, a cat, a pioneer, a police officer with his arm around a ninja, Boba Fett and Jango Fett, a robot, a 10 year old friend to torment the little kids, a skeleton who didn't want to wear his mask because it was too scratchy, two more ninjas, and Indiana Jones (or as Thing 3 says, India Jones).

We decorated ghost cookies and bat cookies.

There were so many kids that everyone had to stand around the table so all the kids could fit!

Here we are at the start of the treasure hunt. I have a funny look on my face because I'm pretending I lost the party bags. "Help me kids! Here is my only clue to where I put them." After looking in the flower beds, the play house, the basketball court, the truck, the mailbox, and Sparky's shoe, the kids discover that I had them with me in the house all along. Silly mom!

All in all, it wasn't too bad. The kids were good, and I didn't crawl into my bed and pull the covers over my head when they left.
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Eileen said...

Wow! That pioneer is so cute!

Jen Bay said...

Brave brave Mommy.

Sean said...

Clap ... ... clap ... clap ... clap, clap, clap, clap. Good job on pulling off what I'm sure was a crazy day. It looks like they all were having fun.